Every year for the past several years (4 or 5 I think…I should go look that up!) I have chosen a word to set the tone and establish a direction for my life/heart.I began this through a simple workshop that I took online form one of the designers I admire, Ali Edwards – or so I thought it was going to be a simple little workshop! It was really the beginning of a change in my heart-ittude.
I don’t take the workshop each year now. I have found my own rhythm and set my own pattern of what and how to incorporate the chosen word into my daily life. Honestly I can say that it has come about in my life quite organically since taking Ali’s workshop. I find that I really don’t need to write any reminders down – the process of the word for the coming year being chosen really happens on its own. Or should I say, I find that God places the perfect word on my heart…and it sticks and seems to be perfect. Of course!
My One Little Word for 2014 was “BALANCE”.
Mercy, oh my soul…I had no CLUE how that was going to come in to play towards the end of the year! It was a perfect word for 2014 though, and I really learned about the push and pull of balance in all things in my life. Family, Work, Fun, etc. Yes, 2014 has certainly been a year of learning to Balance, learning what things to let go of in order to maintain balance in different areas of life.
Usually at the end of October I start to ask God what it is that He would like for me to focus on in the coming year and the word that would go along with the year's "theme". This year, I was actually writing some down in early September.
Below are the words on my heart right now. And yes, it just so happens there are seven of them…this was not planned (at least not by me!)!
On January 2nd I will post which word will be my One Little Word for 2015. Yes...I do know what it is already!