They are amazing. It's as though their ad folks are looking straight into the hearts of women. I know that a big part of this is to empower and strengthen young girls and young women, but I hope they know how much it impacts women of all ages. 5 million negative tweets...I know I have posted some of the same ones I read on this ad.
So, in the midst of my full on meltdown this morning the thought hit me..."What are you going to do to change the way you see yourself, Stacy?" I mean, I think somewhere a long the way we came to buy into the belief that if you think you are pretty or beautiful, that means you are conceited or narcissistic. I don't believe that has to be the case at all.
And so...I'm taking steps to change my self talk and view of who I am and not be so swayed and worried about what others think of the way I look. I think part of that is pouring into others the words they needs to hear. Everyone needs to hear they are beautiful...because we all are.
My encouragement to anyone who reads this blog...#SpeakBeautiful to someone, anyone, but especially to YOURSELF!