I’m baaack…
No, really, this time I mean it! Honest!
I think I needed to take a little more down time before jumping back in to the blog world and getting Snigglefritz & Me back on track.
A few days after my last post, I left for a weekend Women’s Retreat with the ladies from my church. It was held in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona and it was B-E-A-UTIFUL (see the sunrise photo above...that's what greeted us each morning!)! In so many ways it was what I needed for my body, mind and soul…I knew God was going to do something big that weekend, I just didn’t fully understand how BIG it was going to be! To try and describe the weekend’s happenings on a blog would not do it justice. And, to be honest, it was so personal I’m not sure I could accurately portray the emotions and transformation that occurred. I can say that I’m not the only person who experienced these things. Like I said, it was transformative.
Smiles were very big on my face - pre swing (all geared up after her sweet talk!)!
Aside from the heart change, I did something I never thought I would do. In actuality – I’m pretty certain I lost control of my mental faculties for a few moments. One of my sweet, new friends (who is also a Pastor’s wife…they are crazy!) “sweet-talked” me in to getting on a giant swing…one of those where you plummet thousands of feet (ok…maybe not thousands - maybe it was only 10s of feet! But, it felt like thousands!), brushing by death’s door before the ropes finally catch and assure you of your safety (sort of!)!
Sheer terror as we brushed past death's door!
Minus the mini stroke I’m fairly certain I suffered as we were dropped to our doom, that swing was a metaphor for the journey God was preparing to start me on…and it was the perfect metaphor at that – scary, unknown, exciting and thrilling beyond belief!
And what is the journey you might ask? My dear, sweet friend – who has led the Women’s Ministry at our church for many years – is being called to minister to her parents and grandchildren. She needs to devote more time with the loves of her life, and that means she needs to step back from her position at the church. I honestly cry when I think about this – I’m truly happy for her and know that she is doing what she is supposed to…she is being obedient. However, selfishly, I’m so sad to not be working by her side for a time. And so, after many weeks of prayer and fasting with the Rocket Scientist and also with our Women’s Ministry Team, last night the team came together in confirmation that I would step in as the Women’s Ministry Team director. I’m humbled, honored and excited all at the same time. Much like that feeling on the giant swing! I’m blessed to serve alongside faithful, strong and encouraging women on the team and in the church. It is bittersweet, indeed, as I have some big shoes to fill – but change is good and pushing our boundaries is how our wings get stronger!
And that is big news all by itself…but life goes on and on.
Quilt for silent auction