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Welcome to The Creative Table - where everyone has a seat at the table because we are all creatively made!

Of the For Better or Worse...

photo credit: Glorietta Conference Center

photo credit: Glorietta Conference Center

26 year ago, on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend, the Rocket Scientist and I got on a bus and headed to Glorieta, New Mexico for a singles retreat with our church. We barely knew each other, we were on separate buses, but we were reading the same book - Sit, Walk, Stand, by Watchman Nee. Every stop we would check in with each other and talk about what our thoughts were.

We spent the rest of that weekend pretty much inseparable. Many hours were spent in these prayer gardens, praying, talking and simply sitting (praying the bears didn't pick that particular moment to wander over from the dining hall!).

That was the start of our courtship - he at 33 and me at 23. Nine months later we walked into marriage thinking our eyes were wide open, and yet not knowing anything at all. This journey has been joyous and devastatingly crushing, and yet there is no one I would rather walk it out with.

"We must be brought to a place where, naturally gifted though we may be, we dare not speak except in conscious and continual dependence on Him." (Watchman Nee, "Sit, Walk, Stand")
#godgetstheglory #steadfast #eucaristeo #cityonahill #thejubileeofStacyMac #alwaysmakeitcount #morelove #lovepeoplewell #beautyfromashes #joyfrommourning

Of Being Ok (or Not)...

Of a Sacred Friendship...