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Welcome to The Creative Table - where everyone has a seat at the table because we are all creatively made!

2 Month Check In: Life After the Office

Back in THIS post I talked about touching base and taking stock every so often on a Day in the Life after I left my office job.

Tomorrow will mark 2 months since I walked out of my office doors and never looked back…well, I tried not to look back! (I now hold a ‘consultant’ status in that they can call me to seek answers should they need it. I’m hoping that starts to dwindle and then I will be completely ‘free’!). I am still trying to figure out the schedule of my days – but I think I’m getting better. I have much room to improve, but the one thing I’m learning…it is fairly fluid when you are at home and you have to learn to say ‘no’ to those who call and ask if you can go do stuff…since you are, after all, just at home and not working (I have heard that a lot over the past 2 months: “Enjoying my time off”, “Since you’re not busy”, etc.).

I am still trying to catch up with the house from it being neglected for so long. Working the crazy hours I was working before, it was all I could do just to keep up with the bare minimum when it came to housekeeping. Now, I’m making up for that…so, that gets worked into my daily schedules – I consider it part of my job, as a clean home produces a creative environment for me.

So, what do my days look like now that I’m 2 months out? This is a basic overview – and like I said, it is fluid and I adjust when I figure out what works or doesn’t. I’m certain that will happen a lot after the first of the year since, this past month Ginger had surgery and ended up chewing out stitches and staples 3 times. This led to me never letting her out of my sight…and as you can imagine, that impacted a “normal” agenda! Now we are heading into the holiday season and I have no doubt there will be time stealers here and there as well.


  • Up and ready by 6:30am (this includes consuming my first cup of coffee!)
  • 6:30am to 9am – various household chores (dishes, dusting, laundry, make bed)
  • 9am to 4pm – Work (sewing, cooking, blogging, editing, planning/scheduling)

Wednesday and Friday I watch the Lil Man for a few hours in the morning so I adjust my schedule and usually end up blogging and editing on these days. Those are also good baking/cooking days. My daughter in-love and I have been talking about putting together a cookbook for the family (using Blurb books), so we will need to start meeting to create these dishes and take photos soon (for an Easter or Mother’s Day target). Perhaps we will use these days – no matter when we do it, I will adjust my agenda again to work this in.

Possible Event a few days a week – my BFF and I try to plan days where we have lunch together. Usually I will make lunch for the 2 of us, however she has been super busy at work (the same office I left…so you can imagine her business as well) that we will meet at a place near the office so she can get out to eat, but not have to spend the 10 minutes each way commuting to my house.

I know myself and so I allow the news to be on while I’m getting ready in the morning, and then the tv goes off for the rest of the day until the Rocket Scientist comes home. I have music on most days (my favorite Pandora stations; Ambient Music and David Nevue…I prefer mellow/Zen music), but when I’m sewing I will play dvds on the computer (my hope is for a small tv and dvd player for Christmas…this will go in the craft room and I can play movies on a larger screen in front of me, instead of the computer screen off to my side!

Now that I am home, I am the person to take care of the animal appointments, calling to schedule home repairs and inspections, and anything the Rocket Scientist may need for me to take care of so he has more weekend at the end of his weeks. These things have to be worked in as well.

So…that is a simple, boring glimpse into what happens in my world now that I’m on this new adventure. I’m trying to learn to balance it all and adjust here and there a needed. Funny that my One Little Word for 2015 was “Balance” (praying and seeking when 2015’s OLW will be!).

My next thrilling update like this will be in March, 6 months out.

Wednesday Words (November 5, 2014)

Sunday Seven: My Top Stores (Brick & Mortar)