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Welcome to The Creative Table - where everyone has a seat at the table because we are all creatively made!

Sunday Seven - Seven Ways to Grow

On Friday I posted that my One Little Word (OLW) for the coming year was going to be GROW.

As I had mentioned, I have been mulling this over and being pulled in that direction for several months. The one thought that kept coming to me was, ‘ok…but what are some obvious and tangible ways that I can facilitate growth in my life?’ Let me be clear, I understand quite ell that God will make sure I grow…I have no doubt that by my own actions and those of others I will grow from the good things as well as the not so good. However, I want to make certain I end the year knowing that I have been an active participant in the growth of my knowledge, at the very least!

That being said, I figured I should make a list of ‘target goals’ that will bring about growth in my adventure with Snigglefritz & Me…and thus this week’s Sunday Seven was formulated. Below are some of the areas and ways I would like to grow and improve. Of course, there are so many more than just seven of these…I just thought I would put a few out there so that I am accountable to at least try these things!

  1. Learn Photoshop better- taking classes, workshops, watching YouTube videos, etc.

  2. Learn to find the light in my photography – which means getting out and shooting at least once a week.

  3. Take at least one sewing class and one cooking class.

  4. Learn more about food & product photography – the lighting, the set-up, the structure, the editing.

  5. Understand the world of blogging better by taking a workshop or class and reading more.

  6. Attend another photography conference - preferably Click Away 2015

  7. Become more involved in the local photography groups I am in, and with the local photographers that I here. Learn from them!

So, those are just a few of the ways I plan to implement ‘growth’ in part of my life in 2015. I am excited to see where this year takes me. I want to be a better person with a bigger heart!

Here’s to GROWING!!!!

Welcome to 2015

One Little Word 2015 - And the Winner Is...