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Hi There.

Welcome to The Creative Table - where everyone has a seat at the table because we are all creatively made!

Welcome to 2015

It snowed here in Tucson on New Year's Eve. We headed up to the lower mountains to play in it on New Year's Day. It was COLD!

It snowed here in Tucson on New Year's Eve. We headed up to the lower mountains to play in it on New Year's Day. It was COLD!

I’ve been a little bit on the MIA side of things the past few weeks. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve been here, but I have heavily relied on the posts that I scheduled to run way back in the beginning of December. Yay for me in the pre-planning aspect! It allowed me to focus on my family and the things that I needed to get done and enjoy the holidays.

It was lovely. Now it is time to get back to the business of figuring out and growing my business!

I will get back to the Sunday Seven this week as well as Wednesday Words – which I am changing to Wednesday Wisdom. This will allow some wiggle room for me to post a quote, photo or write an entry for whatever I might be going through or dealing with at the time.

All that being said, I thought I would just jump in and start the writing process again today. I’m fighting some bug that is trying to make itself at home – so I’m staying down and taking it easy. What better time than to catch up on blogging and the things that don’t take a ton of physical movement to get accomplished!?

Over the past few days I’ve had a few people ask me, “have you done this yet?” or “you should do this” or “I thought you were going to do this.” All are great statements, from lovely people…who I think have failed to stop and remember that we are ONLY 7 DAYS IN TO THE NEW YEAR! I adore that there are so many supporters in my world…it keeps me moving forward. I just wish I could move forward at such a rapid pace.

Don’t get me wrong, I am asking myself some of these same questions. Then I have to take a step back, lighten up a little on myself, and recognize that it really is only January 7th; I am still trying to put so many things in order as far as Snigglefritz is concerned. I have no doubt that all of these things will get figured out in due time, it is learning how to not be so hard on myself for not having it all done yet.

And let me say, I have a to-do list that is a mile, or so, long!

Some of the things I would like to get accomplished in the next month or 2:

  • Complete a custom memorial quilt (working on this and should be done this week. Need to make another trip to the fabric store)

  • Make more one of kind burp cloth sets and get them on my Etsy store (did you know I was open for business online now? You can check the store out HERE.)

  • Design and create some custom, one of a kind, photo prop quilts and banners for newborn sessions. Get those up on the store.

  • Make some one of a kind nursery sets and get them up on the store.

  • Create a small Valentines/9 Month photo session for the Lil’ Man and get it shot and edited. (I’m working on pom poms and stuffed hearts right now).

  • Make some custom banners for the site.

  • Keep up with my Project 365 Photo Challenge (see the new section on the links above called ‘365’, where I will be posting all of the photos each week.)

  • Take more personal photo trips during the week.

  • Learn my camera.

  • Embrace some self-portraiture.

  • Work on several DIY projects (including some book shelves for the playroom made from pallets).

  • Plant a garden in the back yard.

  • Create an outdoor living space on the back porch…since I’ve been planning on doing this for 3 years!

  • Landscape a little in the back around the pool. A little at a time – and hopefully before it gets too hot.

  • Get back in to walking/running again.

Lemon and Ginger water - so good and refreshing.

Lemon and Ginger water - so good and refreshing.

  • Always, always, always – drink more water and be consistent with it (I do really well during the week days, and fail miserably on the weekends)

  • Study and learn more about my auto-immune disease and how to live more successfully with it.

And there are so many more. The daughter in-love and I are still working on the cookbook and are aiming to have it ready for family by Mother’s Day.

So…that’s that – me getting back in and moving forward full force.

I hope you have great plan for your life and live your best life yet in the year 2015.

Sunday Seven - Drink More Water

Sunday Seven - Seven Ways to Grow